Weekly media digest

15 September 2021
SyriaUntold brings you the latest edition of our digest. We want to share with you the news, features, investigative pieces and long-form essays that we're reading this week.
Weekly media digest

16 July 2021
SyriaUntold brings you the latest edition of our digest. We want to share with you the news, features, investigative pieces and long-form essays that we're reading this week.
Emerging Syrian theatrical experience in Europe

14 June 2021
At first, most theater practitioners abroad wanted to use art as testimony and introduce the “others”—or Western audiences—to the Syrian reality, away from the news published by international media outlets....
On hating my name

11 September 2020
I hated my name when I was a child. I thought the other children in the village had nicer names. Mine was too traditional, not elegant enough. I preferred names...
Distorting Syria

23 July 2020
What happens to perceptions of Syria when films directed and shot by Syrians themselves are later produced and distributed in the West? What is lost along the way?
Where Do We Meet? Mobility for an Exiled Nation

01 March 2017
For the lucky ones that reside in countries that have granted them a legal status that allows them to travel abroad, the question of “where do we meet?” has become...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad