Long night to resurrection

05 February 2021
One man painted his house in vivid colors. Another found a new appreciation for his nail clippers. One woman walked for hours through the night to finally reach home. What...
Murder, and the burden of proof

06 January 2021
Murder turned into an act of self-defense, in which the regime and international community embarked on a selfish battle of describing the crime using terms such as civil war, the...
Dreams end Under the ‘Jader’

01 November 2018
The word 'jader' alone was a source of terror for the detainees, but many people are unaware of what it means.
Asset Confiscation: Another Injustice Suffered Behind Bars

21 July 2018
The confiscation includes any property, car or bank balance registered under the detainee’s name.
A Letter to Political Prisoner Rami Suleiman

30 October 2017
Do your torturers, the interrogator and the prison guards know that, under other circumstances, you might help them if they were poor and in need? And that you would do...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad