Aleppo Spring Youth

08 July 2013

On June 28, 2012, a group of activists from Aleppo gathered in the Bani Zaid - Ashrafiya neighborhood for a sit-in that was the first of its kind, as it united the various factions of the opposition in the city.

On that day, the Aleppo Spring Youth Group was born as an umbrella group for most civil society organizations in Aleppo, including the Kurdish Brotherhood Coordination Committee, Civilian Enlightenment Movement, Syrian Communist Coordination Committee, Nahda Coordination Committee, Spectrums for Aleppo Movement and Checkmate.

The group decided that, when participating in protests, its members would not carry signs labeled with the group name, so as to “completely blend in to the people’s movement.” The only picture of the Aleppo Spring Youth Group that can be found online is from the initial event held in Bani Zaid, which was attended by all members of the group. Members have been active in areas such as Bustan al-Qasr, Ashrafiya, Salahidin, and Saif al-Dawla.

On a day named the Monday of Paramedic Martyrs, the group participated in a demonstration in Bustan al-Qasr, where they performed a skit highlighting violations committed by security forces against paramedics and doctors in Syria. They also staged a protest in which they chanted in support of paramedics killed by regime forces, while affirming the unity of the Syrian people and promising to continue the revolution until the downfall of the regime.

In another activity, the Aleppo Youth Group staged a protest in Bani Zaid called “This is the Freedom We Want” - a phrase which has become symbolic of the Syrian revolution. In the protest, demonstrators used banners and chants to define the freedom they aspire to attain.

Managing the group has not come without difficulties, as one of the founders said to Syria Untold. “It is extremely difficult to organize and coordinate between six different work groups. However, our belief in the importance of establishing an umbrella group, and of building a youth group capable of bearing great responsibility pushes us forward. We have made and repeated multiple mistakes, as have others before us. This lies partially in the fact that we have not fully reached a point where we are convinced of working toward a project that is larger than us, and that is larger than anything we can control.”

“Our work came to an end with the increased militarization of the conflict,” the activist added. “It is not only us, but also most civil society groups, who halted their efforts. We are now directing our energy toward humanitarian work. Our biggest concern right now is assisting those who have been forced to flee from their homes.” The group’s activities have shifted to schools and hospitals. “We are no longer working under the Aleppo Spring Youth Group Banner because we believe that humanitarian services should not be politicized, and should not be attributed to a certain movement or group.”

The young activist also said, “We are now reconsidering what we have done, and what we wish to do in the future. We continue to face some of the same problems that we have not yet found solutions to. However, we are full of hope that we will reunite once again, and that we will learn from our past mistakes to improve our work, and serve as an example for other activists.”


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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad