Ammar al-Beik: What a Strange Life...

31 May 2024
In his responses, Ammar al-Beik takes us on a journey on the autostrade of exile/nation (or what is called nation). A beautiful and harsh journey, thrilling and tiring, inspired and...
Hala Abdullah: 'I believe in cinema as a means of resistance’

11 June 2021
"I was deeply convinced that I left an imprint of my soul on every film I worked on, whether its producer admitted this or not."
Wael Sawah: 'I sacrificed literature for politics'

26 May 2021
"I have to admit: I think I have a double personality. When I am in the company of artists and novelists, I forget about politics and politicians, and as soon...
Lina Barakat: ‘I want to be a participant in this change’

21 December 2020
“Why can’t I be a participant, rather than a mere spectator? Even if I have to make sacrifices, I am willing to do so because nothing comes without a price."
A forced disappearance in Raqqa, and the empty spaces left behind

09 December 2020
“We felt guilty for leading normal lives. This in itself left us socially and psychologically traumatized. Even after reaching France, I was totally distant from any social or university activities....

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad