Revolutionary Scribbles

15 July 2013

Born from within the Syrian revolution, Revolutionary Scribbles is a group formed by young artists with a strong belief in civil and peaceful resistance. In coordination with the Freedom Days group, they try to raise awareness of the values of nonviolence through their drawings, periodically published on Youtube. 

The artists describe their project as “an idea on a paper. We just put our dreams on a paper using a pencil.” When asked by Syria Untold about those dreams, one of the artists answered, “We dream of a country based on the foundations of citizenship and the supremacy of law.”

Their work is both deep and simple. The first episode, “Just an idea on a paper,” was published when the group was formed on October 4, 2011. 

“Peaceful resistance is not only the best way to bring down the regime, but it is also our guarantee to a civil democratic Syria in the future”, the group stated during the early stages of the uprising. “Our peaceful revolution teaches us to communicate, think, organize, be patient and wise. We are learning so much that, if it weren´t for the pain and the blood that´s being shed, I would want  the revolution to last forever.”  

Their work also emphasizes the “importance of keeping the revolution peaceful, for any sort of violence empowers the regime and means playing in its territory.”

When the division between supporters and opponents of the armed uprising escalated, the second episode, “Peaceful as Snow”, was published, reminding people of the hazards of militarization. “Turning to weapons will only shed more blood, make the fight last longer, and transform us into militias at war with each other,” was their message. 

In their last episode, the group summarizes its goals and warn every Syrian, regardless of their political stance, of the dangers of violence, sectarianism and revenge. “Only by being fair to everyone, including our oppressor, we will manage to build a homeland for all Syrians.”

Find out more on their Facebook page.


This work is under a Creative Commons license. Attribution: Non commercial - ShareAlike 4.0. International license

Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad