
Veto: short story about the revolution.

The world only started carrying about the issue in Syria after the US intervention was a subject. It seemed like there was nothing going on in Syria and the US just decided to interfere, which might be commen that the US decides so, but its not the cause this time. People seem to ignore the fact that the Syrians have been facing a very bloody regime for the third year now, the Assad regime of which has used every weapon to kill, every way to detain, and every possible way to stop the revolution. 

The revolution in Syria didnt start as "civil war" for Sunis wanting to take over and kill Alwaies. It was a pure revolution calling for freedom and dignity. The Assad regime fired on people when they were peaceful, the regime, didnt shoot them because they were sunies because they were not only sunies, the protesters where a mixture of Syrian people seeking freedom. 

The "Veto" film focuses on this issue creating a short story from the 2 years of the Syrian revolution. 

The film starts off with the early days of the revolution and how people took street and kept dying for too long before some soldiers and fighters from the Assad army bolt from the troops refusing to kill their brothers and sisters Syrians. The soldiers who bolted didnt do anything other than hide when the regime hit neighborhoods of where they were hidding. Killing blindly everything that moves in the neighborhood of where the free soldiours were hidding. After multiple of those events the FSA started to become more of a rebel movement to defend itself and the people who gave them shelter. 

The film is 15 minutes of how the Syrian revolution actually got to here. The Assad always had the solution to it, however, he knew very well that people can’t keep dying without defending themselves and he knew things would get very bad. He knew that very well that he was claiming it on the government TV channel from the very beginning.  

With the help of the Veto from Russia and China, Assad took Syria down to its worst times, just like what his people claimed from the very first protest: "Either Assad stays or we will burn the country". 

This work is under a Creative Commons license. Attribution: Non commercial - ShareAlike 4.0. International license

Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad