Raqqa Massacre

New massacre, that is all. This time it was in Raqqa, Northern Syria, and it targeted a school. 13 documented dead children were recognized. The massacre was not by chemical weapons, however, people died. Many Syrians used this concept to express their concern about letting Assad use traditional weapons and having the international world only worry about chemical weapons.

30 September 2013

New massacre, that is all. This time it was in Raqqa, Northern Syria, and it targeted a school. 13 documented dead children were recognized. The massacre was not by chemical weapons, however, people died. Many Syrians used this concept to express their concern about letting Assad use traditional weapons and having the international world only worry about chemical weapons. 


Other Syrians started a campaign to let the world know what is going on and to inform the humanity about what is going on in Syria. 


This work is under a Creative Commons license. Attribution: Non commercial - ShareAlike 4.0. International license

Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad