
Tiny Souls documentary

Tiny souls. Nothing in the world is as sensitive and lovely as these tiny souls, in Syria, however, they have just became part of the target. Syrians have been forced to flee and relocate, children too.  
These children have been through many situations that are way bigger than their tiny souls, they have been through experiences of where thy faced things that even adult are not yet ready to face. A child explains to the camera about details and things like her neighbor who couldn't speak because of the fear she went through, and the other people who are in worst situations than her family is. She explains things and issues like she is thankful that their situation is a little better.  
The boys, on the other hand, site down giggling while trying to decide which revolutionary song to sing. They sing "Janna Janna" after long debate. One child goes on explaining why did the people leave, he explains about the shelling and Al-Qashosh. His friend corrects him about some info.  

Memories, thats what they have, they dont seem to be as happy and careless as children their age are usually. They are the tiny souls of Syria. 

This work is under a Creative Commons license. Attribution: Non commercial - ShareAlike 4.0. International license

Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad