“Our Right (Haqquna, in Arabic) is not a political movement, but rather a form of protest, working to keep the voice of the people heard.”
In early 2012, a group of Syrian activists received training in civil resistance and non-violence. The training and the debates surrounding it led to the formation of the Our Right movement. The idea for such had been floated around for a year, but only materialized in 2012. Its main aim was to utilize peaceful methods to defend the freedom of Syrians against all forms of tyranny.
Our Right began its work in the city of Raqqa in early 2013. Their work consisted of assisting the management of the civil community in Raqqa and filling the void left by regime forces retreating from the city. Their first on-the-ground activity was a project called “Destruction”, which was launched to archive the damage inflicted upon the city of Raqqa, in photos and on paper.

The movement's activism hasn't been limited to the urban centers, but extended to include the marginalized, rural areas, such as the countryside of Raqqa. A campaign called “Our Right's tour in the countryside of Raqqa” was launched from al-Mushallab, a small village about 3 kilometers east of Raqqa. The activists split up into two groups, one responsible for entertaining children through painting workshops, playing instruments and dancing, while the second took to the streets and started dialogues with the town's civilians.
Recent activities have also included a sit-in in front of the headquarter of the al-Nusra Front, to demand freedom for several detainees who are being held artbitrarily by the militias.
The main objectives of the movement are disseminating and promoting the culture of the ballot box as the basis of legitimacy. This is represented by its choice of logo – the sign of victory with the voter ink covering the top of the index finger.
On a larger scale, the movement renounces all forms of violence and sectarianism, and it's -as defined by its activists- “a public movement, that believes in the need to build a civil, democratic Syria, founded on freedom, justice and equality between all its citizens, and respect for all religious beliefs. It is a youth movement for human rights.”