In April 2013, a group of Syrian citizens of diverse political, ideological and religious affiliations, launched a campaign called That’s Enough, in order to stop the military confrontations and head toward a negotiated solution to end the crisis. In the words of the organizers, their aim is "to free the country of all forms of violence, and to grant security, freedom and democracy and the rights of all citizens".
A Syrian shows his hands with "That´s enough" written on them. Source: That´s Enough facebook page
The slogans of the campaign include:
Because we’re tired of all the blood that’s being shed, because in every house there is someone missing, detained or kidnapped, because so many people are left homeless, because you and I are one, and we have the same destiny: That’s enough.
Because civilians have nothing to do with war, because I’m a student and I want to continue my education, because I’m an employee and I’ve lost my job: That´s enough.
The campaign asks for support from Syrians from all over the country:
“If your cry is the same as ours, and you’d like to raise your voice and say “That´s enough,” join this campaign so we can deliver this message to those in charge on both sides. To stop the violence and say, “That’s enough, we want to live”, take a picture of the palm of your hand, with the sentence “That’s enough” written on it, and send it to our page, so we can all stand together united, and make our voices heard. With my hand I can build, and I can say "Stop." With my hands and yours, we can build our homeland.
Follow the campaign on Facebook.