Revolution Youth Coalition

20 January 2015

The revolution youth of Syria is a group of young activists, from different Syrian cities and areas and who are active in the civil movement within the Syrian uprising.

Since the idea of the group was born nearly two years ago, a long series of meetings and extensive debates took place between activists, on the necessity of creating a political entity that protects and guides the civil movement in Syria, especially after the current political opposition's inability to keep pace with the uprising. One of the coalition's members says to Syria Untold “Our initiative primary relies on intellect and revolutionary elites inside Syria, which made our task much harder, especially since the regime had a tight grip on most cities and towns at the time. Fortunately, after many Syrian areas were liberated, in northern Syria in paticular, we were able to conduct our first declared conference on June 9, 2012. The conference was attended by members of the coalition in Hama, Idlib, Aleppo, Homs and the Syrian coast, while members in Damascus and its countryside sent a message with their suggestions. It's noteworthy that our first meeting -which was secretive-, was held in the countryside of Idlib before the regime overrun the city, a year before the previously mentioned date.”


The group has been active in political, civil and cultural activities, which is inspired by “our political vision and in accordance with our strategy in searching for activities capable of making a difference. The objectives of our activities are promoting the principles and goals of the uprising, freedom, democracy, citizenship, justice and co-existence.” as the activist says.
The organizational structure that has been adopted by the "Revolution Youth of Syria " coalition, does not accept any associate member as a representative of a revolutionary group or geographical area. The group's policy requires that all members have to have its vision and objectives, whether the activist is working in the field of peaceful civil disobedience, humanitarian relief or in the media, which consequently gave the coalition its widespread and popularity with its great ability to interact. What brings the coalition members together an activists says, is their shared goals and principles. While the group is self-financed by itsa own members' contributions, the group is flexible when it comes to accepting support, as ong as the vision of the funding group “is not incompatable with ours” says an activist.
The Revolution Youth of Syria coalition is an attempt to create a political patriotic project, trying to show Syrians that what they have in common is much more than what seperates them, working to achieve the group slogan “free country ... people as one”, so Syrians can feel the warmth of their country, the country that has an inspiring and creative history and civilization.


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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad