Public-Private Partnerships as a tool for privatization and reinforcement of clientelist networks

11 November 2019
Syria's reconstruction can often seem like a distant prospect. Here, Joseph Daher assesses how the Syrian government is doubling-down on its pre-war neoliberal policies in the hope of driving forward...
Assad’s Reconstruction

05 March 2019
How the process of rebuilding Syria will be used to reimpose the regime’s power domestically and regionally.
Law No. 10: Property, Lawfare, and New Social Order in Syria

26 July 2018
Starting in 2011, Bashar al-Assad’s government has passed a number of laws that undermined the status of the displaced population, preventing many from claiming title to land that was once...
Will China Get the Lion Share in Syria Reconstruction?

16 September 2017
Eugenio Dacrema analyses the variables of Chinese involvement in the Syrian reconstruction. Silently and calmly, Syria and the Middle East are likely to become soon much more Chinese than they...
Militias and Crony Capitalism to Hamper Syria Reconstruction

04 September 2017
There remain several challenges for the regime in reaching political and economic stability and securing funds for reconstruction. Some of these challenges are rooted in the internal contradictions and the...
EU Should Play Major Role in Syria Reconstruction

13 April 2017
The EU should use its economic leverage in order to shape the post-conflict environment and mitigate the suffering of civilians.

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad