How to Connect Democratic and Socio-economic issues in Syria to serve the 99%?

11 February 2025
The ability to improve socio-economic conditions in the country’s future is crucial to widen participation of the Syrian people in the discussions and struggles for democratic rights in the country....
Economies of Syria: Four Heads for a Weary Body

28 June 2024
The Syrian economy's collapse has led residents to rely heavily on aid and remittances from Syrian refugees and migrants. This has prompted the Syrian regime to implement sporadic measures to...
Wombs Under Collapse: On Abortion in Lebanon

13 May 2024
Abortion is criminalized in Lebanon; performing it illegally became more and more costly and unsafe, after the economic collapse that destroyed the purchasing power of citizens and refugees.
‘Hostages’ of Assad under the Caesar Act

16 July 2020
After nearly 10 years of war, dilemmas over how the newest—and toughest—US sanctions impact everyday Syrians are hardly new, writes Maher Mas’ud.
Law No. 10: Property, Lawfare, and New Social Order in Syria

26 July 2018
Starting in 2011, Bashar al-Assad’s government has passed a number of laws that undermined the status of the displaced population, preventing many from claiming title to land that was once...
Assad Regime Still Reliant on Fractions of the Sunni Bourgeoisie

21 December 2017
Although a new generation of Sunni businessmen emerged as others left the country in the wake of the uprising in 2011, the complex network of relations between the power elite,...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad