Farmers grow poorer due to climate change in northwest Syria

14 June 2024
Farmers have resorted to cultivating aromatic plants that generate better income than vegetables, such as cumin and black seed (Nigella sativa). In 2023, cumin recorded a price between three and...
Syria’s forests are vanishing

29 April 2024
Across Syria, natural forests are vanishing at an alarming rate. Fueled by seasonal wildfires and unregulated logging, a seemingly endless cycle of deforestation has set in.
"We all speak Arabic at home"

19 March 2024
The southern Turkish province of Hatay has a large Arabic-speaking population. Beside the refugees who came in the past ten years, an ancient Syrian dialect is still spoken.
One year later: art and music to face the earthquake's effects

12 February 2024
Some artists started painting on the ruins of buildings destroyed by the earthquake in the town of Jandaris, located in the Aleppo Governorate in northwestern Syria. This is an attempt...
One year after the 6th of February earthquake: what have we learned for future disasters?

07 February 2024
Some aspects of societal and institutional adaptation have emerged in Syria one year after the 6th of February 2023 earthquake. Lessons were learned from the natural disaster, and it contributed...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad