Local Coordination Committees denounce use of chemical weapons

06 September 2013

As footage of the Ghouta massacre spread online, and the use of chemical weapons became at the forefront of international attention, the events in Syria seem to have entered a new stage.

The Local Coordination Committees, as most Syrian groups and associations on the ground, dedicated their weekly messages to the issue of chemical weapons. Activists in Daraa, Lattakia and Damascus outskirts shared similar messages, mostly mocking the international community and its inaction regarding the violation of human rights in Syria. 

“This is the Holocaust of the 21st century”, was one of the signs shared in Jabla, Lattakia.  “Chemical weapons have more mercy for us than you, with your support that never comes”, read another banner.  The message repeated in the town of Madaya, in Damascus outskirts, was probably the most popular one: 

“We´re killed by shelling, torture or suffocation. It doesn’t matter how, we die a thousand times every day.” 


لافتة تندد بمجرزة الكيماوي. المصدر: لجان التنسيق المحلية

The main goal of the campaign is to urge the United Nations to complete an international investigation in order to shed light over the August 21st massacre, so that impunity does not continue to be the rule in Syria. 




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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad