The Syrian Coast After the Fall of the Syrian Regime

10 January 2025
On the Syrian coast, some have taken down pictures of their sons from the streets—images that once filled public spaces under the title "Martyr for the Sake of the Homeland."...
Weekly media digest

08 December 2021
SyriaUntold brings you the latest edition of our digest. We want to share with you the news, features, investigative pieces and long-form essays that we're reading this week.
Samar Yazbek’s Syrian Voices a Contribution to History

25 December 2017
Readers begin to appreciate what, and how much, they do not know. If this is Yazbek’s work between just March and July of 2011, how many bookshelves could the Syrian...
Do Alawis Want to Fully Become Shia Offshoot?

09 March 2017
On the Syrian coast, the diffusion of Shia proselitism stirs up mixed feelings in the local Alawi community.

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad