Farmers grow poorer due to climate change in northwest Syria

14 June 2024
Farmers have resorted to cultivating aromatic plants that generate better income than vegetables, such as cumin and black seed (Nigella sativa). In 2023, cumin recorded a price between three and...
Syria’s forests are vanishing

29 April 2024
Across Syria, natural forests are vanishing at an alarming rate. Fueled by seasonal wildfires and unregulated logging, a seemingly endless cycle of deforestation has set in.
Journalists in northwestern Syria: Between exploitation and displacement

23 September 2021
Northwestern Syria is a dangerous place for anyone. For local journalists, living there means facing bombs, displacement and low income on top of harassment from hardline Islamist authorities. How do...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad