Syria's Unions: Yesterday and Today

09 September 2024
Subtle efforts are underway in the city of Sweida to revive the role of unions, which have long been dominated by the Ba'ath Party and the Syrian regime. These civil...
About a leftist father: Oh Comrade, “Who Will Wash the Dishes?”

09 July 2024
"Our leftist relative, the poet and intellectual, managed to marry two women to write delicate poems that bring peace to our hearts," while the father shirked his family responsibilities to...
Economies of Syria: Four Heads for a Weary Body

28 June 2024
The Syrian economy's collapse has led residents to rely heavily on aid and remittances from Syrian refugees and migrants. This has prompted the Syrian regime to implement sporadic measures to...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad