Zaina Erhaim

Zaina is an award-winning Syrian journalist working as a communication and gender expert with international organizations in the Middle East and North Africa region. Zaina contributed to three books related to journalism and women, including "Our Women on the Ground." She worked with IWPR as communications manager for eight years. Before that, she was a journalist with the BBC. She writes for different outlets such as New Lines Magazine, Open Democracy, Al Modon and others. Zaina has an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London and was a judge on many international journalism competitions, such as Reporters Without Borders, EU Commission and One World.

On the anniversary of the Syrian uprising, where does the country’s independent media stand?

18 March 2022
The past decade has seen Syrian alternative media and journalists become the main source of information for what is happening in their country. They live-streamed their pain, their struggles and...

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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad